Almost 200 miles in! I’m averaging about 11 miles per day (including zero days)I have just made it to the Smokies where privies (outdoor bathrooms) don’t exist. This means that everyone has to do their business in the woods next to the shelter making it a minefield. This also means that I have stopped drawing water from shelters from fear of getting Giardiasis. Which would result in being up for a few miserable zero days. The rule for pooping in the woods is to go 200 yards from water, but the further the better. Also a 6 inch hols to bury the specimen is required. For this many people use trowels (small shovels), which I would said should be a requirement. The deuce of spaces is the Cadillac of trowels out here. The nice thing about trowels is that they allow a decent jolt to be dug, which is difficult to achieve through roots and rocks with a tent stake or stick.
We have also encountered some tough weather up to this point (Snow included).
Here is Fontana Dam. This is a tiny lake town we resupplied in. There was a lake and what is known has the Fontana Hilton. Its the nicest shelter we have stayed in on the trail so far.
Nice trillium.